Top 3 Bands That Revolutionized Hard Rock

Top 3 Bands That Revolutionized Hard Rock

A sub-genre of rock music, hard rock is also known as ‘heavy rock’. It involves the use of distorted electric guitars, aggressive vocals, drums, and bass guitar. The origins of hard rock can be traced to the mid-1960s. This musical era was characterized by the garage, blues rock, and psychedelic movements. Hard rock developed into a popular form of music

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3 Legends From the World of Blues

3 Legends From the World of Blues

The origins of blues can be traced to the 1860s. It was around this time when it first made its presence felt in Deep South of the United States. Back then, it was mostly in the form of African-American spirituals and work songs. Later, it evolved into a music genre characterized by its instrumentation, lyrics, and bass lines. A single

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